After some disappointing movie viewing (yes Marwen I’m speaking of you), we really needed to lighten up and see a comedy. I enjoyed Kevin Hart’s movie from a few months ago, Night School (my rating B), so optimism was high.
Add to the mix, that The Upside is based on reality (you know that’s my weakness), deep inhale and exhale….Kevin, we are ready to be entertained….go.
Here’s the plot, Kevin Hart (Del), recent parolee, needs to show his parole officer he’s been job hunting. He’s given a list of potential jobs, which he needs to get a signature proving he applied. Without signatures, Del is going back to the big house.
Bryan Cranston, (Phil), is a multi billionaire, left a quadriplegic after a hang gliding accident. His assistant, Nicole Kidman, (Yvonne), is interviewing for a potential “life auxiliary” (aka “aide” in non billionaire speak) for Phil when Del shows up thinking he’s at an interview for custodial work. Hint, that custodian interview is in the basement not the penthouse Del. Phil, who on top of being paralyzed from the neck down, has also lost his wife to cancer. He wants to die so, he of course hires inept, clueless Del. He figures you won’t last long under Del’s care.
But, Del a failed provider to his son and ex, is making good money as Phil’s caregiver and he’s not going to let him bail on life. At one point Phil is struggling to breathe, but wont use the oxygen mask. Finally Del yells, “Don’t make me give you mouth to mouth! I don’t want to, but I will. I need this job! Phil starts laughing and breathing. Crisis averted. Del and Phil develop into an “Odd Couple” relationship. Phil exposes Del to art and the Opera. Del is appalled to learn an Opera is three hours in length, but of course is on his feet and applauding at its finish.
Del also educates Phil, buying and smoking pot in Central Park and getting hot dogs at a late night dive. The Odd Couple develops to bromance, with Del introducing Phil to his estranged son, and Phil appreciating Aretha Franklin and introducing Del to hang gliding. There are comparisons between The Upside and The Green Book (my rating B plus) and going way back, even Driving Miss Daisy. Hollywood has dipped into this poor black man and rich white person storyline many
times. The difference here, is the great chemistry between Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart.
The Upside will not be vying for any major awards, but it’s an enjoyable funny movie, well worth the ticket price.
The Upside is definitely two thumbs up, and is rated a solid B, bring a friend and be prepared to share some laughs.