Another 2021 movie, released in theatres in the UK, but released directly to DVD in the US. Fun
fact, when released on Netflix two or three months later, the film was retitled to
SAS: Rise of the Black Swan. Hmmmm…. why retitle? I take it as a not so good sign of what is
to come, and you should also.
So, let’s decide to just call this SAS, it will be easier. We are first introduced to a private military
company “Black Swans” owned by the Lewis family, father William, and adult children Grace
and Oliver. They have been hired on the downlow by the SAS (British military) to clear the way
for a multi-national gas pipeline thru the country of Georgia. You know what happens next…a
village is massacred by the mercenaries and because everyone has a phone, it is filmed and
uploaded for millions to see.
The SAS has to cover their butts and involvement, and order the elimination of the Lewis
This is where we meet our dashing hero, special air services Tom Buckingham (played by Sam
Heughan of “Outlander” fame). Tom is your typical British special forces movie hero…comes
from money, family country manor house with servants, generational family jewels, likes to
hang with his soldier friends and of course has a doctor girlfriend who takes second place to his
military duties. YADA YADA nothing original in this character.
Long story short, the SAS tries to take out the Black Swans, and fail.
Black Swans retaliate by hijacking the Eurostar train in the Chunnel, then demand the SAS to
admit their involvement in the Georgian massacre, and toss in $500 million.
Who just happens to be on the Eurostar? Well Tom Buckingham and his doctor girlfriend of
course!! Add in a traitor soldier, a battle against good and evil, a ludicrous propane tank in a
bar car and a pyrotechnic display reminiscent of “Apocalypse Now”. All for $1.80 from Redbox.
We have seen this movie many times over, some versions better, some worse. Sam Heughan is
ok here, but he’s much better in Outlander. Ruby Rose’s performance as Grace Lewis saves this
movie, though the writing is disappointing. Example, Ruby is a cold-hearted killer, why does
she care about the injured girl on the train? Why does she allow the doctor and girl to go into
the locked bathroom privately?
Nothing original here, call it SAS: Red Notice or SAS: Rise of The Black Swan the rating is the
same C-.
As for a drink, I guess a Guinness?