I have a list of five or six must see movies coming out this summer, and Rocketman was in the top three. After seeing it (on opening day of course), I have to tell you, this is one of my most difficult reviews to date.
Rocketman was not what I expected AT ALL. It’s part biopic, part musical theatre, part fantasy, part drama, it’s flamboyant. Early on we see a young Elton (he was Reginald Dwight then) singing and dancing in a cul-de-sac with a flash mob of neighbors and the mailman. What to think of this? This is not Bohemian Rhapsody-ish for sure.
Let’s begin at the beginning shall we. Elton, in full stage costuming struts into a rehab group session and announces he is an alcoholic, drug abuser, sex addict, shopping addict and bulimic to name a few. From this point, Elton’s life story is told in a group therapy setting through flashbacks, accented by his songs that correspond to the time frame of his flashbacks.
As a child, Elton just wanted a hug from his seldom present father. Dad was not interested and chides him with “Don’t be soft” add to this, Elton’s Mom didn’t seem to have a maternal bone in her body. Elton’s savior was his Grandmother, who supported his piano education, which was the beginning of his musical career. There is a poignant scene here, with Mother, Father, Grandmother and Elton individually singing “I Want Love”
In 1969, While opening for a headline performer, Elton asks the headliner, how do you do it, become a star? He is told “You have to kill the person you were born to be, to create the person you want to be” To this end, he decides he must change his name, no longer Reginald Dwight he decides to be Elton, but hadn’t decided on a last name. When asked what is your last name, he stumbles until he sees a picture of John Lennon. Decision made, “I am Elton John” Fun fact right?
Elton’s success coincides with his partnership with Bernie Taupin. The scenes with Elton and Bernie working together, struggling with record company demands, are a wonderful part of this movie. It seems Elton, struggling with his sexuality at this point, really loves Bernie, but Bernie is 100% straight. This platonic love relationship keeps Elton centered, together, they are a formidable team. After a few years, Bernie needs a break from the rock and roll lifestyle, he pleads with Elton to return to England with him and take a break. Elton, in too deep with commitments refuses Bernie’s request and begins a downward spiral without the Bernie lifeline. Beautiful insert of “Good Bye Yellow Brick Road. Later in the movie Bernie asks Elton, “The campaign to kill yourself going well?” Elton snaps back at Bernie and then apologizes because he knows Bernie only wants what is best for him.
We see Elton struggling through self-destructive episodes, but his whole problem is lack of support and love. His Mother tells him “Do you know how disappointing it is to be your mother” And that as a homosexual he will “Never be truly loved” Add to this a manipulative manager/lover, John Reid, who is almost a Svengali to the naïve “blossoming gay” Elton.
Adding to the dialog are the songs that are so relevant to the struggles of the time. A perfect example of this is “Your Song” a song written by Bernie for Elton himself. Such a beautiful scene of Bernie in the bathroom getting ready to shave and he hears Elton working out the music and singing his lyrics. Bernie comes down the stairs and just stands in the doorway, as Elton sings the song to him At a certain point, you are rooting for Bernie to just throw Elton a bone already.
Rocketman is not a white wash version of Elton John’s life and career, the opening scene in rehab sets the stage, laying open all his faults. As I was a bit disappointed in Freddie Mercury’s rose colored portrayal in Bohemian Rhapsody, no glasses needed here, as Elton is plainly having sex with John Reid in numerous places, along with a massive orgy scene.
When I initially left the theatre, I was a bit disappointed in Rocketman, because it was not a “dramatic movie”, you know read the script, act, sing a few songs, clue the credits.
The musical theatre and fantasy part of the movie threw me off. I never really have had to process what I have seen so deeply. I guess I was stuck on Bohemian Rhapsody, and what I perceived this movie should be.
Rocketman is in a league of it’s own, made so by impeccable casting. Taron Egerton sings and dances his heart out as Elton, as do Kit Connor and Matthew Illesley who portray Elton in his younger years. Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin and Richard Madden as John Reid are like whipped cream on a sundae, just perfection. Kudos to Bryce Dallas Howard as Shelia, Elton’s depressed, critical, genuinely nasty and unloving mother.
Rocketman, is rated B+, a few scenes had me scratching my head. One being why did the director feel he had to levitate the audience at The Troubadour scene? And the ambulance and warehouse/hospital scene was a bit much.
The movie is a quick two hours, but prepare yourself for a different kind of movie. Don’t worry, different is good.