Men in Black first appeared on the screen in July 1997 and starred Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. The original MIB succeeded because of its unique storyline and great casting.
For me, the original MIB was so good, any sequel would be hard pressed to continue the original’s success. I don’t believe I’ve seen the complete MIB 2 and to be “transparent” (that’s a family inside joke) I’ve never seen MIB 3. Sure, you can make sequels more eye appealing, hence Chris Hemsworth, but MIB: International just doesn’t cut it.
MIB: International is almost a parody of itself. How many times can we watch Chris Hemsworth swagger across the screen (ok some of us found that swagger a reason to keep watching). But seriously, Hemsworth’s role as H, just did not want me to pull for him in this movie. His playboy, hard partying, careless, arrogant portrayal just seemed too over the top. WHO CARES?
Poor Liam Neeson as High T, just seemed as though he really wasn’t into it either. But, he won’t have to worry about another sequel, unless they use an “Endgame” trick (that’s a spoiler, sorry)
Tessa Thompson as new Agent M, was okay, she tried her best, but you can only do so much with mediocre writing and storyline. Seriously, the franchise is tired and showing its age. The only true bright star of this tiring two hour swagfest was the supporting alien, Pawnee, voiced by Kumail Nanjiami (OMG can not wait to see him next month in Stuber!) Adding another insult to this is the camera zeroing in on Hemsworth as he picks up a hammer during a fight scene. Hello this is not Thor, that was just gratuitous.
I don’t even want to get into the plot, because it doesn’t really matter, you’ve seen it before.
Men in Black: International in 3D, not inspiring and definitely average as in a C rating. The 3D helped, but not enough to make up for dull writing.