I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my reviews, and a special thank you to Visitor 2959 for sending several review requests.
Today’s review for “6 Underground” is one of those requests, and who am I to turn down a movie starring Ryan Reynolds?
6 Underground was produced by Netflix in 2019 with a budget of $150 million, and from the opening it is blatantly obvious this was a big budget movie. Also blatantly obvious, is “6 Underground” was directed by Michael Bay. It only takes a few minutes to notice the Bay signature, high speed car chase, cinematic long shots, pumping music and the signature banter of, “hey wow we are being chased by the police”, cars crashing stylistically, bodies flying over and under cars but wait, we make sure we don’t hit the woman with the stroller or the nuns crossing the street. There is nothing wrong with all that, but at nearly twenty minutes of this car chase you are losing me.
But let’s get back to our movie. Ryan Reynolds is a tech billionaire, who faked his death to right the world’s wrongs. He has compiled a team of likeminded mercenaries who are known as numbers, Reynolds being number 1. A former CIA spy is #2, #3 a classic hitman, #4 a guy who can scale builders and outrun most others, #5 a doctor, and #6 a driver. So, no names, just numbers as #1 doesn’t like to get too personally involved with his crew.
During the opening credits, we are given a tutorial voiceover on #1’s credo “I know what happens when you die, you become a ghost, you answer to no one. Trapped in a shadow land, In a world of whispers, unable to return to the ones you love. With loneliness comes freedom. To go where you please. Do what you want. Ghosts have one power above all others—Haunt the living for what they’ve done”
Then bam we go into the above mentioned twenty minutes car chase and flying bodies and cars. And remember what your parents told you, “it’s always fun until somebody gets hurt.” Twenty minutes in, the car chase is finally over, and one of the numbers gets a unique send off and the team is looking for a new “ghost” teammate.
#1 has targeted their next job, to remove a tyrant leader of Turgistan, and replace him with his peaceloving brother.
My first problem, the whole over extended car chase for so many reasons: performing surgery in the backseat during the car chase, the whole I dropped the eyeball stupidness, #4 running up and down buildings. And the second problem, why even have #4? Is he necessary? Problem number 3 is when they try to go deep into the atrocities suffered by the Turgistan citizens. It’s too late in the script to try to get thought provoking, this is a Michael Bay movie! Honestly, the plot plays second fiddle to the action and special effects, so I’m just going to end the plot review here.
I feel like they started with one movie and tried to turn it around halfway thru into something else and it just doesn’t work. This is the type of movie that could continue on with sequel after sequel (Fast and Furious or Mission Impossible franchises) but it seems like there was a difference of opinion in the vision of this movie. They tried to get into a serious storyline too late, and then changed their direction again back to loud silliness.
And as for the sub storylines of learning about the backgrounds of ghosts #2 thru #6 and why they joined #1 to right the world’s wrongs…distracting and at a little over two hours, not necessary to the storyline.
“6 Underground” rated C- is an action movie starring Ryan Reynolds and that’s why people will watch this Michael Bay creation. If you are looking for an original plot or thought-provoking dialog move on.
As for a beverage? Let’s be just as predictable as this movie is….Aviation Gin and Tonic